Pigeon Mail - 3,000 years ago, Pigeons played an important role among the powerful kingdoms to carry messages especially at the time of War. Small piece of light paper containing important message were tied around Pigeon's leg to be carried across long distances. This was a very important means of communication in our world history.
Smoke messages - There were also days when Smoke was used as a medium to convey a message to people in the neighboring towns or villages.
Lighting Beacons - During the days of the kings, Beacons when lit on the hilltops could only mean a warning signal that there could be a possibility of a war.
Telecommunication - The modern era of communication involves the media such as the Radio or television, Telephone and most recently, the world of internet aka 'World Wide Web'.
The advancement in the world of telecommunications has been mind staggering and one is amazed by the simplicity of communication being made easy and feasible as each day progresses.
Mobile phone, a businessman's luxury during early 90s of the 20th century has now become a necessary gadget of every individual in a house. Even school going kids are encouraged by their parents to use a mobile phone for their children's safety aspects.
Pay less, Talk more:
There are three ways to make international calls for free - from computers, phones and mobiles. This is all because VOIP (Voice over internet protocol) or internet telephone has made the world of communication much easier. The reason for VOIP being cheaper is because of the fact that call is made via the web.
But, considering the convenience and mobility factor, calling from mobile to mobile would be the best way of calling. Rebtel is a service provider which currently offers the cheapest international calling rates. The most attractive feature with Rebtel is that there is no hassle of buying a calling card or associating a PIN with the phone number.
It is a straight forward process with Rebtel where one has to sign up online to provide them with one's phone number for them to identify the member who is making the call.
Once signed, enter the phone number of the person (from any country) you would like to call and Rebtel provides a unique local number for the corresponding number. Dial the unique local number of the friend you wish to call and Rebtel will connect the call over the internet!!For example, if a call needs to be made from the USA to Brazil, Rebtel charges USD 0.14 per minute only.
People who travel abroad find it very beneficial to interact with their family and friends back home. The international calling facility has really made one feel 'HOME AWAY FROM HOME'!!
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